One of my favorite quotes:

No success can compensate for failure in the home.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Frustrated BIG Time!!

I am getting so pissed, I have been working on a BIG blog catch up post for the last month or so. I went on and downloaded a lot of pics from the last few months since the last post, and it had no problem doing that, but when I go back to add text, it takes FOREVER. When I go to write the text, it is so slow, it is like every line has to reload again after every key stroke. It has double and triple spaced everything and when I go in to delete the spacing it takes so long and then it re-saves every 3 minutes so then it takes even longer just to delete a line or a word. It is pissing me off so much that I am finally going in to just delete it and do it again. So, I am going to try to do one event at a time from now one like I should be doing anyway I guess. So I am going to try this again, I hope that it will not take too long.

Julie, I hope to have this done so that you can see before you get here in 4 days! I am so pathetic!!! Sorry, I have been trying, it just gets so frustrating every time I try that
after a few hours of working on it and the only thing that I have done is to delete about 20 lines in between a few pictures, so I am now going to delete it and try again.

So to anyone else who has checked in to see what we are up to since the last post, try back again soon and hopefully it will be updated to at least July 4th.

Today is July 7th and it is Clay's 30th Birthday, so I will take pics and hopefully post it as well.