One of my favorite quotes:

No success can compensate for failure in the home.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


January 2, 2009
Surprise!! Look what dad brought home!

The kids are so excited to have a puppy. I have been telling them for years that they had to wait until we were in the last house to have a puppy. But Clay started looking at puppies on KSL and then had Kaila looking up puppies on the internet. We kind of talked about it, but then I just really wasn't sure, we don't really have a place to put it. Clay would like him to be an indoor dog, I am not so sure. The kids were supposed to be really good to earn him, and the day that Clay brought him home (3 days earlier than planned) they were being very naughty. They really do not deserve a puppy for as naughty as they have been. But what are we to do now? So we now have a puppy, his name is BRONCO.


December 31,2008
Boys and their Toys - at the Dunes

So Clay, Jon, and Brady decided to go to the dunes (Little Sahara) while Brady was still here, and it looks like they had a lot of fun. Maybe too much fun!!! Thanks to Brady for bring the camera because they took alot of funny pictures. We were trying to plan a trip where everyone could go with the Rhino and 4 Wheelers, but it just didn't happen with everyones schedules. So next time Julie and Brady are here we will make sure we get to go together. He are just a few of the funny/sexy pictures that they took of eachother.

Brady and his motorcycle Honda 450 (?)
Who knows why they are posing and taking pictures. HaHa!

This is Clays butt! HOT!!

Jon with his new motorcycle. Honda CRF250X

Clays 2nd to best side! ha! ha!

Clay on his new motorcycle. KTM250XC (?)

The motorcycles


Christmas Day 2008
Christmas Morning we opened presents at our house, but since we did the Christmas morning thing at the Jensen's a day early we just took our time. Later in the afternoon Grandma Lu, Grandpa Todd,and Unlce Jon came over for a few hours. Normally we also leave and go to American Fork to Grandpa Dave and Grandma Mona's house to exchange gifts. This year it was snowing pretty bad so we didn't want to chance it. So the kids go to enjoy their toys and did not have to leave them. It was kind of nice not to have to rush around, but I missed seeing everyone on Christmas morning.

This is the kids wanting to come down the stairs to open presents. Dad was down turning on lights and making sure that Santa actually did come.
Justice opening a Xbox game that he really wanted.
Kaila checking out want is in the stocking.
It was a DVD.
Griff loved the Lighting McQueen remote control.
Justice holding up another thing he really wanted, a finger skateboard.
Kaila and the ipuppy that she asked Santa for at the Wiser party.
Kaila loves this game, Tumbling Monkeys.
Griff is actually excited to open shoes. He has a smile and everything. Too bad they were too small, so now we need to return them.
What could this be? Green, talking fingers? Nope, Hulk hands!
Justice with his Hulk hands. We could not have gotten just one pair. Clay beat the crap out of me later on with these. I tried to defend myself, but I could not stop laughing.
Griff with his Hulk hands on, ready to punch someone out!
Griff loves his Lightning McQueen car. I can't believe how happy he was playing with it.
Kaila aiming on of the many Nerf guns that we got. We all had a lot of fun shooting them at eachother.
Clay rocking out with the Guiter Hero. I think he was glad to just sit home and relax!


Christmas Eve at the Wiser Christmas Party 2008
Every year since Clay can remember they have had a Wiser Christmas Party on Christmas Eve. So since we have been married every year we go and have some fun. There is always such great food, games, presents, and the past few years... chimes. Hopefully next year we may just be good enough to be able to know what song we are actually trying to play. Ha! Ha! We always have some good laughs. Nan is the best song leader, she sang so well that she started losing her voice.
This is Griff playing his chime proudly. I don't think that he actually rang it on the right note, but he sure had fun hitting it.
Justice is just waiting for Nan to point to his number so that he can ring his chime. He is being very patient.
Then look who shows up!!!!! That's right SANTA!! The same Santa has come to this party every since Clay can remember. So it must be the real Santa right? At least that is what the kids think.
This is Santa trying to get every one to sing "O Christmas Tree".
Kaila telling Santa that she wanted a ipuppy. (She did get it the next morning). From Santa at the party she got a drawing kit with markers, crayons, colored pencils, and a notebook. Kaila loved it because she loves to draw.
Justice telling Samta that he wanted a remote control motorcycle. Santa told him that if he couldn't fit that in the bag then he would bring his something just as cool. (He did not get it the next morning, but the neighbor boy did, so Justice thinks that he stole it from him). I told him that he can get it for his birthday in March. Justice got a toy motorcycle with rider Ricky Carmicheal, his favorite!
Griff telling Santa that he wanted a motorcycle. Which is what he opened up! Griff got a toy motorcycle as well but with a Honda rider. He also loved it!
And look who else got to sit on Santa's lap. That's right, Clay and I. Clay is asking for a motorcycle I think. He opened up some work gloves. Almost just as cool right?! And I also asked for a motorcycle (although I was the first one to sit on Santa's lap from our family so really everyone else just copied me). I got to open up the next best thing, pj pants. There is nothing better than a new pair of pj's. Love it! Thanks SANTA!!!


Christmas Eve Day 2008
We spent all day with the Jensen's, it was great! Because Julie and Brady had to go back up to Declo, ID., we had Christmas Day with the Jensen's on Christmas Eve morning. We had the ham and potatoes that we usually have Christmas morning, it was yummy!! It was nice to have everyone together after 2 very long years. We had a lot of fun hanging out together.
Kaila and Justice got ipod shuffles from Grandma Lu and Grandpa Todd. They love them!! The kids were dancing around and rocking out, it was pretty funny. Just look at the expression on Justice's face. That is his "Rock On" face.
Griffin got this Hulk toy and was not sure what to think of it at first. It took him a while to play with it, he was afraid of the scary voice that it made.
Kaila, Cheyenne, Jaycee
Uncle Jon putting together the race track that Grangpa Todd ordered. It was fun for the kids to play with, but the cars kept flying off the track and hitting people.
Justice getting the car set up on the starting line.
Griff is kissing one of the Fur-real cats that Jaycee and Tessa got. This thing acted just like a real cat, it purred, meowed and everything. He liked it!
Uncle Brady showing Griff how to control the remote control helicopter. All the boys got them and all the kids learned to play.
Clay and Griff watching the helicopter as it is getting higher and higher.
Justice "rocking out" again.
This time Jake joined him. (his pants are in the dryer).


December 23, 2008
He is HOME!!!

So Jon is now home and our family is so excited. Clay and I went back to California to pick him up, and of course I brought my camera but didn't take any pictures (so typical). It was awesome to see him as an Elder, and to see him with his companion in their apartment. It was so neat to meet some of the people that he was able to teach. Everyone we met had such great things to say about him, so that was awesome to hear. A few ladies told me that they didn't want us to take him home. But I told them that we were there to bring him home. We had a good time at church with him too. It is amazing how much he has grown up in just 2 years. His mission has helped him and his testimony, and it was inspiring to hear him bear his testimony to some of the members.
He also spoke in sacrement meeting the following sunday, he did such a great job. His testimony is so heartfelt. (If that makes sense). In California the members in the ward said that you could feel the love that he has for the Savior as you look into his eyes. I would have to agree, he is diffinitely a changed person. Welcome Home Jon !!! We love you!

This is right before he left to go and get released. He looks like such a dork!


December 12, 2008
Matthews Family Christmas Party 2008
We have tried to keep the Matthews Family Tradition of having the Nativity Scene. I remember doing this when I was growing up with my Aunts, Uncle, and Cousins. Back then we had a lot more particiation with donkeys, cattle,and everything. Now that we have our own "Matthews Family Christmas Party" we have limited people, so just the grandkids dress up. I think they love it. But you have seen us "grown-ups", we were laughing so hard, when we are supposed to be being reverent. Dad (grandpa) reads from the Bible as someone helps in the kitchen telling the kids when it is time to have their turn. When it is time for the wisemen to come make their enterance, Randy lets the biggest fart and scares Griff, he laughs which sends us all laughing (but still trying to be reverent). So everyone makes their appearance in the big show we have to snaps some pictures. Every year mom (grandma) draws out the assignments and so we get to mix it up a little bit. We just get towels, ties, shawls, the basic wisemen/shephard gear, and the angel gets to be a little more beautiful. So here is our attempt at the Nativity Scene....

This is MaKayla as Mary, Zach as Joseph, and Leilani as The Inn Keeper.

Here is the Baby Jesus played by Kevin. Mary holding him tight.
Is this not the cutest little Angel! This year played by Meikana.
The Shepards were Justice and Kawi.

These are the 3 Wisemen. Kaila, Kalani, and Griff (hiding, you can see his arm).

Here is a picture of the Wisemen offering their gifts to Baby Jesus (a better pic of Griff).

And this is the Nativity Scene, Matthews Family Style!

Kawi and Justice as Shepards, Zach as Joseph, Kevin as Baby Jesus, MaKayla as Mary, Meikana as the Angel, Leilani (Dd) as The Inn Keeper, Griffin, Kaila, and Kalani as Wisemen. And Grandpa Dave as the Narator.


The Mallory's said...

Yay!! I am so glad you finally updated. We are both slacking in the blog department:) I love the pictures of the guys posing with their bikes. What a bunch of dorks! Now you need to put up a pic of Justice with his tooth gone so that I can see.